A new employee experience transforms a small manufacturing company from distressed to hitting all-time production and quality highs in less than six months.

Situation Summary:

A 150-employee manufacturing company struggled with an unstable, under-performing workforce which resulted in serious production and quality. Despite running 21 shifts per week, re-work, waste, and production shutdowns prevented them from meeting promises to their clients.

The Old Story:

There’s no way we can compete with local competition for talent. All we can do is figure out how to do our best with a sub-par workforce, even if it means we’re hiring new employees every week.

The New Story:

We changed the story by improving the employee experience, making expectations greater rather than settling for mediocrity, and implementing an incentive system that made financial sense for everyone.


  • Reduced absenteeism by 42% 
  • Eliminated six weekend overtime shifts, reducing overtime dollars by 32% 
  • Reached all-time high production and quality metrics (productivity increase 22%, rework reduction 4.3%)
  • Improved on-time delivery to 99.4%.
  • Increased company valuation by over $20 M in two years
  • Total ROI in < 5 months

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